Sunday, 15 April 2012

Life goes on - energy states

I was quite happy not eating bread for a while. All raw food, not even any bread anymore. Still coffee though.

Then something flipped in my mind, and I've gone back to cooked food like never before in the last year. And bread. It's very hard with the children, being in a family life. Many of the practices I could be doing, I don't have the energy for, with the children.

But there again, I think to myself, what is the real value that a human contributes in his or her life? It always comes down to kindness to others.

In terms of diet, I think that removing coffee is of major importance.  Stabilising the mind free of coffee is really the key, from which true changes can flow.

That'll be the next practice for me, to see how this alters my approach to food.

I've been really enjoying cultivating a non-judgement view toward what I eat or don't eat. I feel freer somehow.